Monday, September 20, 2004

My Bathmates are Pricks

I am currently residing in a dorm at the college I am going to. My specific dorm is set up so that there is a bathroom between every two rooms that the rooms share. The people in the other room that share your bathroom are called your suite mates. Mine seemed ok this year, I had even met one before we came her and she seemed sweet. Well today I come back from classes to find a note on my dorm asking me to clean the shower because there are some "black" marks on it from when I dyed my hair. This doesn't seem like a big deal, right, except the only way the dean would have even known about the marks is if someone complained to her as my sweetmates already had to me about it. Now I know right now I seem a bit calous since it had been mentioned to me before but hear me out. This is Monday, my screwiest day schedule wise, I have one more class and have not had time to go and clean the shower, I infact just found said note. Yesterday I was in London all day for a class, Saturday is my Sabbath so I don't work (such as cleaning the shower) and Friday night is when I dyed my hair. According to the schedule I am suppose to clean the bathroom anyway on Wed. and so I came to the conclusion that due to my schedule I would clean it Tuesday morning, my first available time, and way lay my bathmates fears that the faint violet shadow on parts of the shower would not jump out and attack them a day earlier then I was scheduled to. I explain this to them, they act all sweet as if it's fine and then I find the note. Are they that childish that they can't just tell me strait out that they want it cleaned before Tuesday but they have to go behind my back to the dean about it. This is college not preschool.


Blogger Fateduel said...

see they only *seem* sweet because they are "sweet" mates (even though in reality they are *suite* mates)

11:16 AM  
Blogger Ralikat said...

Yeah, must say I was going to call you on that too Ande - suite mates.

You're welcome.

3:55 AM  
Blogger Frankie said...

Yeah, you always think you've left preschool behind but then you realize we're all just really large children in a massive sandbox called earth...

I gotta say tho, you wouldn't think a little hair dye could be quite THAT scary...

2:22 AM  

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