Stupid Passport
Well, I left my passport at the condo in Austria but still got to Paris ok. Luckily there is time to have it mailed to me so I will not have to cancel it and get a new one. Is not life grand.
Well, I left my passport at the condo in Austria but still got to Paris ok. Luckily there is time to have it mailed to me so I will not have to cancel it and get a new one. Is not life grand.
For those of you who know the sad story of how my camera got dropped on it's lens the first day I had it causing $150 in damage this will sound unfortunately familer. But with a happier ending.
Well, I have completed my first full day of skiing in the Austrian Alps and while I am quite tired I am a bit disapointed as well. All this bug hullabaloo about European skiing seems out of place when I would easily rate Mt Hood Meadows or Timberline above Murau. However, as I have much missed skiing it is still quite enjoyable and I look forward to being completely pooped my first day in Paris.