Monday, February 15, 2010


Last month one of my new neighbors was arrested for sexual abuse of a minor, quite publicly, it even made the 6 o'clock news. A neighbor spoke to the new crews not confirming anything but making it clear that it was not completely a surprise. But it was to me. Being new to the condo I've had few interactions with the man and none of them would have led me to believe any of the charges that have been leveled against him. But that same lack of contexts makes me doubt my own reaction, for there to have been an arrest and charges filed there has to be significant evidence for the DA to act.

He was released last week and I haven't seen him yet but I'm troubled over what my response should be. I cannot support the actions attributed to him but we're supposed to be a country that values the ideal of innocent until proven guilty. Moreover, I call myself a Christian and am regularly frustrated and how vindictive and unChrist-like Christians usually are and this is an opportunity to really offer love without strings. I'll likely never know the truth of the situation and it isn't my place to know it, I just need to know how to act with him.

Innocent or guilty this must be a hard time for him and I feel that at minimum if I see him I have no reason that would hold up to Christ's example not to be nice to him and actually a responsibility to be nice. I'm tempted to extend some sort of kind action specifically to him the thing I keep running up against though is how to do this without endorsing the actions he is being charged with. It is an area that if I'm too verbose, "I thought you could use a pick me up even if you are guilty" just gets sticky and wouldn't really make me feel any better unless I actually was guilty. I could do it anonymously but I'm not sure if I would trust something anonymous if I was in his situation. If I don't say anything, is it really so bad not to? I think the concern I feel is me worring about not couching it in the right terms to protect myself from extremely unlikely backlash.



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