Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Tea Quest

I have been very lax in writing lately, I feel like writing but then I get online and start reading tsunami channel. Stupid Widge for getting me all addicted to it. So, went to Reading this weekend and bought loose tea, so good. For those of you who do not know the pleasures of a pot of really good loose tea stop reading, go to the nearest quality tea shop and begin the pleasure.
Went to London again last Wednesday with Widge, this was the beginning of the quest for high quality loose tea. Being in England and all we felt the need to free ourselves from the trivial teabag and move on to higher tea levels. Our quest, however, was thwarted by a lack of knowledge of where to find tea in London and the need to simply wander. So we wandered through many places and ended up at this 6 or 7 story toy store. Beyond the simply beauty that comes from such a vast palace of toys we stumbled on the side staircase that is not used as much due to the presence of escalators and lifts in the main store area. This stairway should not be passed by, however for mere ease of technology. It had been decorated to represent different parts of the Harry Potter movies and had random movie artifacts in little cases. If I could remember the name of the store I would praise it and admonish you to go and see it if ever you are in London. As I can't I will move on to the rest of the day. I had chosen, foolishly, to were my black boots on this glorious tea quest. The fact that they have aprox. 3-4 inch heals was my downfall as we walked back to the train station and I became accutely aware of the pain my feet were in from having walked in them all day. And so I did what in my mind was the logical thing to do, I took them off. The divine pleasure of cold stone on a sore foot is something I will remember at least until I forget it.


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