Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Check out my awesome html powers!

Of course refering to the fact that the picture I posted on smokezone is a link to my blog where I can now explain the oddity displayed. For those of you still confused please refer to the smokezone to see said oddity.

That thing is Pepto Dizmal. He and his clown brothers, "Dingo the rodeo clown, Draino the Dumpster diver, Neptune the greasy hippy, and Servo the punk (he’s adopted).” are in, "Portland’s own internationally renowned (we’ve been to New Mexico and our videos are big in Bogota, Colombia) clownabilly rock band." I could not help but laugh at his picture and noticing the strange kinship to smkr comments that his following one had. "Nothing, nothing, scares a thief or crack dealer more than four clowns stalking them on girls’ bikes, and throwing painted bricks at them, while laughing hysterically.”

Now for those of you who did not run out to the theater to see the British brilliance of Wallace and Gromit, shame on you! There is nothing more endearing and entertaining than a giant rabit terrorizing Binfield... I mean a small cliche British town.

I am going to take a moment to clear up something that might otherwise worry the more pure ears of those around. Wallace tells Gromit several times to, "put some more wellie in it." "Wellie" is a rain boot. Those not in tune with the British accent have been known to comfuse it for "willie", giving the term a completely different meaning and causing them to send confused stares at the speaker. It is "wellie", it is G rated and it is wonderful.

Well I'm off to have some cheese, later folks.


Blogger Dingo Dizmal said...

I don't understand why the quote about my family is between Wallace and gromet on your post.
can ya explain?
Dingo the clown

11:31 PM  
Blogger Andunneana said...

It is above Wallace and Gromet because it is specifically something I thought some of my friends who I have a group blog with would appreciate. If you go to the group blog at you will find a post that has a the picture of Pepto Dizmal that was in one of the local papers and which is a link to this sight. The Wallace and Gromet bit was simply something I had also seen and enjoyed recently.

7:20 AM  

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